3 Simple Ways to Protect Your Hormones And Avoid Endocrine Disruptors

You may be surprised to know that common personal and home care products can have an impact on your hormones. Many of these products can contain endocrine disruptors, which can have a profound impact on one's hormones and general health. Here’s everything you need to know about endocrine disruptors and how you can avoid them.


What Are Endocrine Disruptors?

Your endocrine system is a series of glands that produce hormones in your body. That includes things like estrogen, testosterone, adrenaline, insulin, and more. These hormones are responsible for sending messages throughout the body and ensuring that all systems run normally.

Endocrine disruptors are chemicals that mimic or interfere with your hormones. They can change the chemical messages sent in your body, which then affects its ability to function properly and can lead to serious health conditions.


Where Do Endocrine Disruptors Come From?

Unfortunately, endocrine disruptors are common. You’ll likely find them in the products currently in your home. For example, you may have triclosan in your home right now - a common chemical found in liquid body wash, soap, and hand sanitizers. According to the FDA, exposure to triclosan is linked to a decrease in some thyroid hormones. The FDA also claims that some studies have flagged triclosan’s ability to make bacteria immune to antibiotics. 

You likely also have BPA (bisphenol A) and phthalates in your home. These chemicals are commonly used to make plastic containers, like those that your personal care products come packaged in. However, endocrine disruptors aren’t in all plastics - there are safe options. PET (polyethylene terephthalate) and HDPE (high-density polyethylene) plastic are the safest forms of plastic. Plus, they’re non-toxic, BPA, and phthalate-free, as well as completely recyclable. 

It’s important to highlight that endocrine disruptors in plastic, like BPA and phthalates, can leach into the product from the packaging. At Rooted Regimen, we’re proud to say that all of our bottles are BPA and phthalate-free, and are 100% recyclable. In a study of 213 commercial products, including cosmetics, personal care products, and cleaners, researchers found high concentrations of phthalates in fragrance products, like perfume, air fresheners, and dryer sheets. This issue doesn’t occur when you use safer plastics, like PET and HDPE.

It’s worth noting that these chemicals are in other products as well, like nonstick pans, food storage containers, and pesticides. People come into contact with them via food and drink, the air, and even water.


How Do Endocrine Disruptors Affect Our Health?

Research has shown that there’s a link between endocrine disruptors and several negative health conditions, including the following:

  • Reproductive issues: Diethylstilbestrol (DES) has been shown to alter reproductive organs in mice, which could affect fertility and reproduction.
  • Changes in metabolism: There’s an increased risk of diabetes and other metabolic issues when a person is exposed to arsenic for extended periods of time.
  • Lowered attention span: There may be a link between DES and increased chances of ADHD.
  • Immunity issues: High levels of per- and poly-fuoroalkyl substances (PFAs) can lead to a diminished immune response to vaccines in children.


How to Avoid Endocrine Disruptors

1. Read ingredient labels

Check ingredient labels for mysterious ingredients like “fragrance” which could be hiding endocrine-disrupting chemicals. When possible, shop with companies that disclose all of their ingredients. At Rooted Regimen, we fully believe in ingredient transparency. Plus, all of our ingredients have a green score (the safest) on the Environmental Working Group’s safety rating scale.

2. Use safe plastics

PET and HDPE plastic are safe options, while other types can contain endocrine disruptors. Try to purchase products that use only the safest plastics. It’s easy to tell the difference in types of plastic - just look at the number inside the recycling code (which looks like chasing arrows) at the bottom of the packaging. Plastic labeled 1 (PET) or 2 (HDPE) is safe to use. Otherwise, it’s best to avoid plastic with recycling codes 3, 6, and 7.

3. Use filters

You can absorb endocrine disruptors through the air and water. Protect yourself with a vacuum loaded with a HEPA filter to remove chemical-laden household dust and dirt. Use an air filter if possible, too. Since city water treatment plants don’t remove these chemicals, you’ll also need an in-home filter with an activated carbon filter.

Although it might seem overwhelming at first, avoiding endocrine disruptors becomes second nature fairly quickly. At Rooted Regimen, we make it easy by ensuring that all our products have safe ingredients. We only use 100% plant and mineral based ingredients. With our dedication to transparency and honesty, you can read every single ingredient we use on the back of each product label. 

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